The Heart of Maine

Fred Miller 207-279-0429
American Legion Report
The Poulliot-Seavey Post #53 of the American Legion has had another active year in community service. The Post planned and conducted the annual Memorial Day Parade and the memorial services at the library. Military Funeral Honors were provided to five deceased veterans. The Legion and the VFW jointly purchased the flags on the light poles along Main Street. The Post shared in the cost of memorial flag holders for veterans buried in the local cemeteries.
The Post contributed financially to the new Veterans Memorial Park on Dam Street and participated in the dedication ceremony. Future plans for the park include the erection of an Honor Roll, which will list the names of all Dexter residents who served in the armed services during a war or conflict from the Civil War to the present.
Contributions to the youth of Dexter were made through donations to the following:
Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts and Brownies
Legion Baseball
Toys for Tots
Operation Graduation
Scholarships to graduating seniors at DRHS and TCTC
Banquet honoring delegates to Boys and Girls State
Aid to TCTC students participating in national competitions
Some of the local charitable organizations receiving donations include:
Dexter Public Health Association
Sunshine Club
Food Cupboard
Kiwanis Reading Program for pre-school children
Piscataquis Regional YMCA
DRHS Christmas Food Drive
Veterans in Dexter and the State have benefited from a $1,000 contribution to the Beal House at Togus, where family members can stay while the veteran is a patient in the hospital. The Veterans Association Volunteer Service, the Vietnam Vets of America and the Vietnam Veterans Council’s Memorial Traveling Wall also received financial support.